I've always been a people pleas-er, do whatever I can for you kind of person. It has caused me incredible pleasure AND pain over the years. Pleasure when you feel the warmth and love come back from the persons who's life you have touched. Pain when it's done cause people feel they can walk all over you and you get nothing from them in return. Over the years I have learned to push some of that away. Those people and moments aren't gone completely but now I hold them at a distance where they have a harder time breaking through my walls I have built to keep the pain out. Truth be told I've even kept some of the good in my life at bay in fear that it would hurt me too.
What does this have to do with my weight loss journey? Well, you see I have a wonderful husband (who also drives me completely nuts - hey no-one is perfect) and two great kids. I have been struggling with my weight for years cause I always put everyone and everything else first.
Today, my husband had a doctors appointment for some blood work results. His tests came back fine but he was told to lose 20 lbs.
I jumped with joy when I heard this and my first thoughts were well maybe now you can lose weight yourself since he has to as well. It was my chance to be a do-gooder, to lend that helping hand and to do something for someone else. For SOMEONE else. not for me....Why do I depend so much on everyone else being happy. How do I learn to put myself first? I need to make this MY journey - he can have his own. But I want to be the star of my journey. I no longer am comparing myself to anyone else's highlight reel. I am only in competition with myself. All that matters is that I love me no matter what and that I keep getting back up when I fall down.
How I am going to do this - I have no clue. But I am guessing that it will be one step (a baby one) at a time. My first goal is to lost 5% of my weight. (That around 13 - 14 lbs) and my first step to doing it - cut out the pop. This is always my hardest on to do, pop seems to creep right back up there and sneak back into my fridge.
Tomorrow marks a fresh start for me - I am getting a makeover - stay tuned for the before and after. Doing this is completely out of my comfort zone - I tend to be a little on the stingy side with doing things for myself.
I hope your weight journey is going well! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!