
Monday, May 6, 2013

Ummmm....Goal Friday....

Ok so it's not Friday but I still need to set my goals for this week.  The last two weeks I haven't done so great with goal setting. But today is a new day!

Here is last weeks recap:

1.  Cut sweet treats back to 2X a week.  -  I Think that I did a LITTLE bit better on this one...Definitely not 2X but it was a bit better than before.

2.  Go for a 5 minute walk 2X a week - Nope, still a little gun shy on this one.  Scared to take those first steps to see if my ankle is healed...Put on my sneakers once and just couldn't go through with it.  I will revisit this one another time.

3.  Find healthier snack options for the family - Done - Made healthy granola bars todayI also want to try making Strawberry chips in the oven - my little guy loves those. 

My goals this week are:

1.  Eat 2 servings of fruit a day

2.  Only indulge in sweet treats 2X a week

3. Stick to the May Ab challenge this week. 

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