
Monday, April 8, 2013

Exercise Addiction

Everyone has heard about Runner's High - That magical rush of endorphins at the end of a run.  Can you get that same high from other activities? Is it mentally healthy to be striving for that runner's high?

Runner's high is like that one sexy amazing man that you compare everyone else to.  Nothing ever quite makes the cut.  Everything else always disappoints.    If your lucky enough to be able to run without injury you can add in other activities and not be disappointed by them. But man, when an injury rears it's ugly head and you can no longer run - nothing ever satisfies you quite the same way. 

I haven't felt runner's high in months. I have not been able to run 9 very long months.  It's driving me bonkers this spring that I can't go out and feel that fresh cool breeze rush across my face, the sweat and tears pouring out as those miles add up. The pride of accomplishing something I never thought that I would be able to do.

So, I have settled for running's Mistress - Swimming. While I get a slight high off it ~ It still doesn't compare to running. Its like settling for Vanilla ice cream when you really wanted that pint of Rocky Road.  You know what though ~ It's a heck of a lot better than sitting my ass on the couch gaining even more weight!

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